This service aims to solve a problem: you came across a podcast episode you want to listen to, but you're not subscribed to that podcast and don't intend to listen to more than one episode. With Podcurate you can instantly add that episode to a custom feed from your browser, and it will automatically be added to your podcasting app.
Create a feed with our browser extension and add episodes to your feed with one click.
Sign-up to unlock the ability to create multiple feeds, edit feeds, share feeds with friends, favourite episodes, copy episodes from feed to feed, and much more.
Install the browser extension or sign-up on the website to create your own feed.
Subscribe to the feed in your favourite podcasts app on your phone or anywhere else.
Click the "add to feed" button in the extension from any podcast episode page, or submit the URL on the feed page.
The episodes you added will automatically show up on your podcasts app. You can listen to them there, or on the website.